I will be presenting at the #NCTMKC25 Spring Conference, February 5–7 in Kansas City! Come join me in sharing ideas and solutions together: www.nctm.org/kc2025.
Navigating Dyscalculia: The Essential Role of Parents in Remediation
Your child struggles with math. Numbers blur, concepts jumble, and homework time is a battleground. You’ve found a tutor specializing in dyscalculia, a learning difference that makes math challenging. Relief […]
Advent Calendar
Over the winter break we will be less available. If you want to do something fun, math, and sometimes Christmassy, look no further than our annual Advent Calendar, available through […]
Early intervention and tutoring helped this student with dyscalculia
One of Dr Schreuder’s tutoring students was interviewed by Edweek.org, see her story about how she was helped with early intervention and tutoring through her math career from 3rd grade […]