Math and Dyscalculia services has been founded to raise awareness for children who struggle in math. This is an overview of the Tutoring Services we provide and the process we use.
Specialized tutoring for difficulties with Math and dyscalculia
A word about what to expect from specialized tutoring:
Dr Schreuder works with children and adults online and does so via video conferences one on one. She does not use a specific curriculum but rather designs the interventions based on the diagnostic findings. Dyscalculia Remediation (specialized tutoring) is not the same as math tutoring. Dr Schreuder is not the “help with homework” tutor also she is not the “help to get through the next test” tutor. There are lots of tutors who will be available for that kind of tutoring. Dr Schreuder goes back to the roots of the problems with math and works up from there. So, interventions may seem age inappropriate as sometimes she will have to go over work that has been covered three grades ago but still not been fully understood due to the math learning disability you or your child may have.
- Tutoring onsite/online
We can tutor your child in weekly or bi-weekly 55 min. lessons, with as goal to bring your child back to be independent in Math at the level of the class. Lower school $60, Middle school $65 (grades 6, 7, 8), High school $70 (grades 9-12), College and adults $75. All prices per session of about 55 minutes. in person at our location or using our video platform (there is an additional charge for driving to your home or after-school location depending on the distance). Contact us for details and availability. Currently all tutoring takes place via video conference due to the pandemic.
- Train the Tutor
This is another option we provide. If you or a tutor you know would like to enroll in our online Dyscalculia Tutor Training to eventually tutor your child, then we will support and guide them until they are ready to take over. So we will start working with your child and the tutor starts training and after some time the tutor gets more involved and starts taking over, while we continue to prepare them and monitor and eventually, after they have successfully graduated the Dyscalculia Tutor Training they can take over. This process can take 3-6 months. Feel free to ask for more details about this program.
- Regular follow up
After any of our services, we will offer a free follow up visit upon request after 3 months or 1/2 year to hear if there are any questions and to be sure your child makes progress through the educational system.
Please contact us to discuss the available options in your situation, tel: +1 (832)-377-8373
- Our process
As tutoring for Dyscalculia requires a lot of detailed information about the current math gaps that exist, we will need to have access to any recent diagnostic testing you may have available or we can provide the necessary assessments ourselves, see under testing. Participating in our online math and dyscalculia screening test is also required and then as soon as we have all the information available, we will discuss with you the options, timing, frequency etc.