With the active cases of the Covid-19 virus infections rising in our area, Dyscalculia Services is preparing to make sure our staff and students stay safe and we can, as much as possible, continue to provide our services.
Workshops and training
For this moment we have postponed our workshops and training and will be organizing a new workshop probably in early summer.
Tutoring at our home location
Students and family visiting our home location had been asked to sanitize their hands when coming in. We also use our hand sanitizers between students and materials are cleaned thoroughly before being used with the next student. Families who are not comfortable traveling to our home location, can switch to online tutoring with no problem, just let us know. At this moment however, following further guidance from the City and the County, we will suspend the face to face tutoring until further notice
Tutoring online
We are open for tutoring online. Normally we allow students to book time only on weekend days through our scheduler, but to be able to provide more support and assistance for our students who are now working from home we will open up the appointments system for online tutoring also during week days from March 23rd. The online appointments scheduler is accessible at https://appointments.dyscalculiaservices.com
Tutoring at schools
We work closely with the schools where we provide services and follow their directions in keeping the spread of the virus to a minimum. Some schools in the area have now gone to online learning and some schools are considering this as a next step. We are prepared to follow this practice and will be available for online learning either via our own video platform or via the platform provided by your school.
Questions or comments
We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions to work together to try and keep the spread of the virus to a minimum.