We have had the first weeks of school. How is it going? Settled in, made new friends, reacquainted with old friends, done the first tests of the semester?
Now is a good time to make sure you check and see if your student shows any signs of maybe having a problem with math that could point at a Learning disability. A good overview of symptoms can be found HERE
We are happy to help and have lots of resources online that can support you:
- Visit us at http://DyscalculiaHeadlines.com
- Get the video series to help your child https://MomsTeachmath.com
- Download some manipulatives https://dyscalculiatoolkit.org
- Trouble with Math? https://DyscalculiaTesting.com
- Dyscalculia Screener https://DyscalculiaScreener.org
- Adult Dyscalculia https://AdultDyscalculia.org
- Become a Dyscalculia Tutor. http://DyscalculiaTutorTraining.org