When your child is not doing very well in Math, please do not brush it off with “math is just not their thing” or “they will grow into it”.
Chances are that your child may have a Math Learning Disability or Dyscalculia. When your child does not start reading fast enough, don’t you take immediate action? You wouldn’t say “oh reading is not their thing”. No you would investigate and get help.
Likewise with falling behind in Math, you need to take action, get it assessed and get them the help they deserve.
Even when you are an adult and have always had trouble with math, there is something you can still do to change this. Get an assessment ( an easy quick start is at https://dyscalculiatesting.com ) and get helped to advance your career or just be more comfortable going through life that is increasingly made up of algorithms and numbers.
In the general population there is about one in fifteen people that have this learning disability but it is rather unknown and thus does not often get diagnosed at school yet.
Take action, make sure you know what is happening and if there is a reason to get further help.