Dyscalculia is about as prevalent as Dyslexia but not as well known and much less diagnosed. People still shrug it off when they are “bad at math” and don’t worry too much about it although it can have major implications for further education options, job opportunities and just moving through life with ease.
Daniel Ansari said it very well:
This math learning disability is nearly as common as dyslexia, however it’s studied far less, understood far worse, and diagnosed inconsistently
Dr Schreuder is on a mission to increase the number of Dyscalculia Tutors. For this she has developed an online Dyscalculia Tutor Training and to celebrate the upcoming Holidays and Black Friday and Cyber Monday she is offering Promotional Pricing of 15% off the regular price for a bundle that includes:
- Dyscalculia Tutor Training basic 1-1
- Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages 1-2
- Tutoring Dyscalculia, Algebra Concepts in a visual way 1-3
The bundle is available HERE and it saves you $140
More information about the online Dyscalculia Tutor Training is available at http://DyscalculiaTutor.org